Benefit Quickview

You can look at your coverage information (benefits) or see if you or other family members are currently covered (eligibility) by selecting Benefits/Eligibility on the menu. The Benefit Quickview screen appears.

The following information is displayed:

Member Information section — lists the name of the person who carries the insurance (subscriber). The Member Number is an assigned number unique to the subscriber. In most cases, the member number is the same as the subscriber's Social Security number.

Patient Information section — shows information about the people covered under the member including the member. These people are usually family members and are referred to as patients on this screen. For each family member it shows:

  1. Patient Name — the names of anyone who has ever been covered under this subscriber.
  2. Relationship — the relationship of each person to the subscriber: subscriber, spouse, or dependent.
  3. Eligible — the person's eligibility for benefits:

Client Benefit Information— this displays information about the client's selected benefit plan. If you call Customer Service with questions on benefits, this information may help them assist you.

Understanding eligibility for dependents

Eligibility is the determination of a person being qualified or entitled to benefits. The summary of a plan's benefits will have specific information about a plan's rules for dependent eligibility, but generally eligible dependents are:

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Viewing benefits