Download forms

Forms require Adobe Acrobat Reader; if you do not have the software, you may download a free copy from Adobe.

  1. Select Forms.
  2. The Downloadable Forms screen appears.
  1. Select the form you want to download. The form displays as a .pdf format file.
  2. If you want to save the file, select File from the menu and select Save As from the File dropdown list. The Save As dialog box appears. Fill in the filename you want to use and where you want to save it. Select Save.
  3. If you want to print the form, select Print from the menu. The Print dialog box appears. Choose the options you want. Select OK when you are done.
  4. When the form finishes the process you chose, the dialog box disappears.
  5. Select File from the menu and select Exit to close the form and return to the Downloadable Forms screen.

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Last updated 3/4/2015